Style Like U

Text by Luke Raymond

I am unashamedly nosy, and particularly fascinated with what people have in their wardrobes - high end and/or high street? Classic vintage pieces? Unworn but treasured garments? Embarrassing buys? I might be slightly late on this bus but Style Like U fulfills my wardrobe stalking tendencies as it provides short snappy video insights into the wardrobes - or closets - of some enviably fashionable folk.

Mykromag's Sonny Groo makes an appearance, revealing the surprising secrets behind his monochromatic looks, and there are - at my last count - a whole eighteen pages of videos to trawl through. From actors to stylists, DJs to students, Stylelikeu is another tasty morsel to add to my online fashion feast and has inspired me to sort out my own shambles of a 'floordrobe'.

Style Like U

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