Life and Love: 17th Life Ball

The 17th annual Life Ball attracts 40,000 of the biggest stars and freakiest freaks on the planet.

Text and Photography Johnny Misheff

Life Ball is a party made for 40,000 people. Set in Vienna's City Hall (which is insanely massive), there's more than enough room to throw Europe's biggest and most epic AIDS charity event. There's been no lack of star power in it's seventeen-year history, but they really flipped the script with this one. An all-star cast, including Eva Longoria Parker, Fran Drescher, Pam Anderson, Katy Perry, Patricia Field, Kai Kühne, Rita Ackermann, Róisín Murphy, AND Bill Clinton (!!!) were all on hand to lend their support. Róisín (whose performance was totally electrifying) even brought her mother to the event, who told me her favorite part of the night was meeting President Clinton. Sadly, I was unable to secure an interview for this posting... So many aspects of this night were extraordinary. Katy's performance was spectacular. She really is a major star and I was so happy to discover that she also has a major heart. Sabine Heller and I caught up with her at the after-party and were shocked at how long we were able to engage with her for amidst the pandemonium all around us. "I want to help bring the mainstream to this event," she told us, "I hope we raise a ton of money tonight." I think they did, Katy, and I think you, along with a sea of impeccably dressed bodies definitely helped.

Larry Tee and Jue Bug

Suzanne Bartschand Pat Field

Iris Strubegger, Ania Truvalluska and friend

Amanda Lepore and Kai Kühne

Lydia Hearst

Derek and friend

Jeremy Kost

Javier Peral and Lady Fag

Katy Perry

Markus Molinari


Roisin Murphy and her mother

Rita and Kai

Sabine Heller and Nick Hunt

Zein Zu

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