Story Hotel, Stockholm

Stylish, serene and incredibly cool, Stockholm remains the city we can never bring ourselves to leave. Its newest stopover spot, the Story Hotel, is a brand new inter-city refuge that makes this act just that bit harder again.

With design from the Swedish supremos at Koncept , Story is an amalgamation of heritage sophistication and contemporary innovation. Adapting original features from the period building, Koncept have maintained Story’s historical integrity, whilst expertly mingling bespoke design pieces throughout.

Filled with original wallpapers and wooden flooring, eclectic contemporary pieces dotted with artistic abandon and an understated tertiary pallet - Story is the ideal mix between comforting and cutting edge.

As well as hotel, there are several bars, a restaurant, caf¨¦ and one-of-a-kind designer boutique at the hands of nightspot trendsetters Meshmesh Nildalen, Story is an urban sanctuary for native Stockholmers and city-hoppers alike.



46.8 5450 3940

Story Hotel
Riddargatan 6

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