Miles Aldridge, London

Descending from a heritage of pioneering creative know-how, Miles Aldridge (son of Alan) was bound from birth to make his own unique mark on the artistic scene.

Aldridge junior’s searing photographic vision has been long celebrated for it’s vast cinematic perspective and super-slick, gloss-licked surrealist overtones.

With Lynchian flavours, Dali-esque weirdness and La Chapellian stylings all on offer - Aldridge’s latest show at the London-based Hamilton Gallery, Doll Face, is an amalgamation of accomplished cinematography, left-of-centre artistry and murky metaphorical narrative.

With an artistic opus deep-rooted in fashion photography and advertising conventions, Aldridge is well placed to realise his enigmatic vision.

Pallid-faced women stare blankly from the surface of the large-scale photographs – all at once banal and inordinately complex, Aldridge’s perfectly placed, luminescent models dupe us into embarking on a voyage into his aesthetically opulent and allegorically ambiguous world.

Acerbic Hues, flawless figures and moody atmospherics are all integral to Aldridge’s dream-like productions. Technically masterful and artistically accomplished – Aldridge has proved himself fit to bursting from his father’s shoes.

Home Works #3, Doll Face, courtesy of Hamiltons Gallery

Kiss of Death #3, Doll Face, courtesy of Hamiltons Gallery

Doll's House #3, Doll Face, courtesy of Hamiltons Gallery

Immaculee #4, Doll Face, courtesy of Hamiltons Gallery

Le Manage Enchante #4, Doll Face, courtesy of Hamiltons Gallery

The Vagaries of Fashion #9, Doll Face, courtesy of Hamiltons Gallery

Cat Story #3, Doll Face, courtesy of Hamiltons Gallery

Capital Gains #1, Doll Face, courtesy of Hamiltons Gallery

The Last Range of Colours, Doll Face, courtesy of Hamiltons Gallery

The Pure Wonder #4, Doll Face, courtesy of Hamiltons Gallery



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