Talking about women beauty products is
usual, normal (uhh, how I don´t like this word); women do it regularly, near on
daily basis, between them...suggestions, new beauty treasure discovers, tips
etc. When the word goes to men´s beauty routine, the topic is not that
frequently treated; especially close to never between men buddies. It´s not a
subject of talk to do with your male friends...it´s like a taboo. Talking about
that most men relate it to a gay subject. Luckily things are changing. Maybe on
a between man to man beauty talk, but men become really more open to talk about
it with women, to be advised and guided. Numbers reveals this fact; every year
numbers about consumption of beauty products from male customers are higher.
More and more beauty brands have a diverse offer of specific products made for
men; and here I don´t have in mind the shaving cream and after-shave balms. I
did some selection what an ordinary man should have (and most of them have,
believe me) in their bathroom...in 4 steps:
1."shave and cut"
What is the first thing (beside coffee) that every man do every morning...yes, that "annoying" thing :) Shaving. Lately I´ve become a big fan of shaving creams, instead of all razing foams and gels. I prefer it, because it´s easier to shave, you waste less product and it lasts longer. I suggest you to not buy the cheapest one, but carefully select the quality one. I prefer those that nourish your skin while shaving and protect it from irritations. Like this shaving kit 1.2.3 from Baxter of California.
My shaving steps look-like this: I soften
my skin with quite huge amount of warm water (my hair is very thick), leaving
the skin damp (no towel rub for me) I put a small amount (hazelnut size) of
shaving cream on the shave area of the face and then I simply shave all hair
off, take some seconds more to do it carefully and more delicate. Don´t be
rough with your skin!
Time by time you need to check your
nose/ear/eyebrow hairs...I hope I do not need to spend an extra word on why you
should? Or? Protrude hairs, especially from ears and nose is far from being
sexy. So cut, cut and cut! This is the same with taking care of your hand and
foot nails. (cut and clean, c´mon!). So you need an essential manicure set, like this one from Czech & Speake.
And guys, manicure is an ordinary
world...so no need to freak out!
An extra time to time option (which a
huuuuuge amount of men do) is to shave/trim/wax body hair. As I say, it´s an
option, not a must...it´s personal decision. So about this, maybe next time.
Today just "essential-must to do".
2. "shower and body nourishing"
Shaving time is the most relaxing part of
all 4 steps, I guess...but at the end all steps should be relaxing; you are
doing it for yourself, for your own good and not make it a painful obligation,
but a time to take care and relax helps.
Shower gels should be mild, gentle...to avoid
skin irritations. Best choices are those suitable for babies or the natural
ones, containing oils, to prevent skin drying while you showering. I really
like this one from Ren, "Neroli and grapefruit body wash".To maintain your body skin in a perfect condition, you need to nourish it well after every shower. Before I wipe myself with a towel, I put a cream (once per week oil) on a wet skin. In this way the skin will easily absorb the cream and you will consume less product compared to doing it on dry skin Try Le Labo Vetiver 46 body lotion.
The final part of the second step is to give freshness to your armpit. I prefer mild-scented. This is also the only "daily perfume" I like to wear. Pay attention also to buy the one who doesn´t leave any those irritable white marks on your clothes; like the Malin + Goetz eucalyptus deodorant.
3. "face care"
Before everything I like to spray (refresh) my face with a thermal water (La Roche Posay or Avene for example), then I take a cotton pad, put some drops of face cleanser, like this Aesop parsley seed facial cleanser and clean the whole (still wet by thermal water) face. After that I put a serum (he helps the cream to penetrate deeper and more efficiently into the skin), like Perricone MD serum with a lifting-movement light massage (from bottom part of your face to the top; from the inside to outside...like lifting it). In this way you will stimulate the skin to work. In the same way as a serum I continue with a cream; it must be a good moisturiser, as it is Perricone MD nourishing moisturiser, preferably containing a SPF protective filter (if not, you can still put a sunscreen filter after your moisturizing cream is totally absorbed). Final one, but not the least important one...actually it´s even more, due the delicate area...the eye cream. Great choice are ones that prevents and minimize dark circles, fine lines and puffiness, like Ren active 7 eye gel.
The extra part comes in night care regime...instead of your day products, you can use more richer products, like: Perricone MD advance firming activator as a serum, Perricone MD cold plasma as a night cream and Ren firm and lift eyecream. But day creams are also cool for night applications (yes, you must put your creams at least twice a day). It´s only a matter of your age and skin situation.
Guys...I don´t want to scary you, but there
are also (almost) once-a week cares, like masks and pilling...but let´s do this
topic next time. Step by step.
...goes to hair and your favourite scent. Of course I have no doubts you wash your hair regularly (shampoo + conditioner)...so the last step the whole spot goes to touches you make to your hair, with hair products, like Baxter of California clay pomade or just a comb, by Dr. Harris to take your hair under control. My solution is just few finger touches and my hair are done (I prefer a natural, not hard-make hair look). Before you left the place to start your outdoor journey, few drops of your favourite perfume on your neck or/and hair...maybe Le Labo Santal 33 perfume oil.
Not so hard right ;) And not try to make it
hard...but every minute you put in it, enjoy it.
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