Short or long, oversize or tailored, sporty or elegant, thin or thicker, belted or buttoned (or both!)...these are the options and also dilemmas when choosing the right one...THE COAT. The looking-finding-picking situation come almost twice a year; a classic, woolly (and many times "heavy") for winter time, and the lighter, cooler, a day-to night piece for a warming, so-called mid-season; spring and fall. The light coat is the best option during moody-weather...feel cold, wear´s too hot, take it off and carry it with you (it would be difficult with the woolly one ;) ) I need it during summer time? Sure, why not? Bad weather happens during the whole year, summer included. Plus many, many summer nights are breezy-bit freezy ;)
I am in the middle of that dilemma (need to make something clear here…it´s not a big deal, real problems are others…but fashion, is fashion ;) )in this period. What to choose? A thick cotton one (for now has a major chance) mixed also with some linen or light viscose-silky one? For sure a trench coat; useable for many occasions and styles. Probably I will try to not buy it this time in black or navy (is it possible for me?), but to choose one in a bright colour. Where it all came from? Hmm, I have already one in my mind. :)

Below my crème-de-la-crème selection of favourite light coats available... 

/ The original head photo is courtesy of Eurowoman Denmark /

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