Mixing different lengths together, shapes and plaids with color blocking is how Xander Zhou paid, again and deservedly, the attention with his F/W 2014/2015 menswear collection. Zhou is well known of mixing streetwear elements with high fashion, to obtain unique designs. Close to avant-garde and high level of drama, but the accessible one.  If you do not know what I am talking about, just look at those coats dressed in pom poms or classic shaped coats with loose bow fastening or sculptured collars and non-functional (just?) contrasting panels. To spice more everything, there were 80´s inspired sneakers, maxi head bands and extra-long shawls.

/ click on "Read more" to see all photos from the collection /

/ Photos courtesy of Xander Zhou /


  1. The pon pons coats are very funny!

  2. Not so loud, still elegant and sporty. Defenitely an upgrade in men´s fashion.
