Mornings are nice last days...every day’s
sun heat makes you appreciate mornings even more. Because of the fresh air
(called: "summer breeze").
While sipping slowly my morning coffee (not a big coffee consumer, but
morning´s one are quite traditional and relaxing too) I generally check on
internet what I "missed" in last 24 hours. One of most pleasant
things is to check resort (I am still calling them cruise :)) 2014 collections
(yeah, yeah...I do not miss men´s S/S2014 either).
Ok, ok...I know that collections must sell,
but why lost your identity? Is individualism is losing it´s primary meaning: be
yourself, no matter what and who.
I would really Love to see (not that) old
Doma back, with his mystical, fluid-shapes and oriental inspirations. I
put all my hopes (and beliefs) in his S/S2014.

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