Trackie Bottoms Tucked In Socks

Text by Luke Raymond

I am not blessed with a body that demands baring in the summer months, preferring to keep my pasty parts well covered. My ankles are the only piece of flesh that experiences any exposure to the sun and this (fleeting) summer, I have been making the most of my stems, bandying them around in cropped and rolled up slacks.

Autumn is encroaching, yet this does not mean that the ankles won't be experiencing the same amount of attention. In complete contrast, I'm going to be keeping them well covered - snug against the biting air as I take inspiration from the unsavoury characters I cross the street to avoid - and tuck my trousers into thick, chunky, mountaineering style socks.

I've glanced a few boys strolling around in variations of the style; be it with shoes or boots, and I love the way it cinches wider legged trousers at the ankle and brings a tactile cosiness to a plain, stark outfit. Uniqlo ( stock the perfect socks, at a bargainous price, which reach just to the knee, giving just the right amount of slouch when pushed down.

Foregoing my shopping ban, I might well hit the shops's only socks right?

Tucked in Socks

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