
Text by Emily Chan

After first discovering Macedonian-born designer Risto Bimbiloski back in January, I developed a rather scarily-compulsive clicking habit to check for the images from his AW09 collection. And I wasn’t disappointed.

I love the concept: the idea of women as predators using their clothes as weapons, running parallel to the hunting methods of birds of prey. The overall result of this is a much darker aesthetic than his previous work. The intergalactic prints, which I have been obsessing over ever since, have been replaced by kaleidoscopic prints featuring the eagle eye, equally obsession-worthy. There are 80s overtones within the collection casting my mind back to the Madonna, especially with the inclusion of netting, shredded tights slash biker shorts and that puffed sleeved dress which I can definitely envision her in.

Unfortunately no Risto in the UK yet, but I am eagerly anticipating his next collection…




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