After his first full collection, the S/S2014, presented with a lookbook, in the beginning of this year Nicomede Talavera stepped out
onto the larger stage of London Menswear collection with Fashion East Menswear
Installations – among designers like the jeweler Roxanne Farahmand, Tom Ryling,
Liam Hodges and the shirt-maker Massimo Casagrande - by presenting his F/W
2014/2015 collection. He continued with a perfect balance between the
tailoring, sportswear and the artistic touches. A collection with loads of
layering, included graphic sweaters, prolonged trousers with splitted sides at
the bottom – like he wanted the trousers to embrace the Vans sneakers,
three-quarter like-aprons – to achieve a skirt-like look and not to forget the backpacks
– his fourth collaboration with Eastpak. Overall a straight forward collection
with futuristic elements and influences; for a modern man, who is not stuck in
the past, but like to try something different, new.

love all of them