An enigmatic short film teaser heralds the awakening of Jonathan Kelsey’s rebellious A/W 09 shoe collection.
In a collaborative effort, shoe designer Jonathan Kelsey has joined forces with the creative talents of writer Gregory De Roeck and director Sara Dunlop to create a short film inspired by Kelsey’s A/W 09 collection. The film, entitled ‘High’, captures the directional, edgy aesthetic of Kelsey’s designs, eschewing the traditional product heavy approach of commercials for a more obtuse angle. The teaser features a man and a woman (Joana PReiss) coming together under the shroud of night in a passionate embrace, before cutting to a profile head shot of the woman with a blood nose, upon which the whole scene evaporates into smoke. This haunting precursor betrays only a whim of the dark tale in the full feature- the seduction of a temptress searching for her next fix.‘High’ launches at 6pm on Wednesday July 15 at
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